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Name : Catherine Sweeney 09/20/2001
I had no idea that John fell victim to the tragic events of September 11 until I visited the website. While innocently looking for OLA alumni, I came across John's site. I don't know John and Judy well -- we're neighbors on the same block, we were passengers on the same vans from Manhattan, members of the same gym, and Judy and I shared a car home from an American Express Christmas party one year. I always thought -- what a lovely couple, they always say hello, they are always smiling and happy together. I'm so sorry for your loss. John's memorial depicts a happy, outgoing person who loved life. It's tragic it was cut short and we, his neighbors and friends, deprived of knowing him a little better; a little longer. My prayers and thoughts are with you. There are no words to comfort you at this time, no words that seem to make a difference, but please know that, even though I didn't know John well, that I was saddened to learn about him and that I will miss his smile and his hello on my way home from work, and I will miss having him as a neighbor.
Name : AUNT Katie 09/20/2001
Dear Kathy WE will never forget what an impact John's life meant to our family. From the time he was little until today, John has brought love, laughter, & fun wherever he was. All the Christmas's, Wedding's, & family picnic's will never be the same without John. At our last family picnic in August John was the same kidder. Making fun of Nancy & her Olympic Games. Trying to sabotage the games whenever Nancy wasn't looking. Although he did win the hoop toss, by throwing it around Jamie. Boy was Jamie supprised. Our hearts are very heavy now that he is gone. But his spirit will live in all of us, who had the privilege to know & love him. My love & prayers are with you Rose, Judy, Billy & Kathy. Be at peace John, we all love & miss you. Love Aunt Katie
Name : tommie turitto OLA 09/20/2001
john i really never saw you after the days they let us out of OLA. way back in 1970. i know your looking down now smiling on us all. in some way you gonna let us know you in real good hands now. like i said its been years but when the day come to meet again. i am sure your be waiting with a smile and a hello for all you old friends from ola n your friendsfrom you bar owning days n a big hug for family members. i am gonna ask you this when i get there ,if there is a Tuns tavren up there, hold a bar seat in the conner for me n the first round will be on me. take care old fried
Name : Rafe Chierchio (The little guy) 09/20/2001
To my dear sweet Uncle Johnny, Mommy and Daddy have always told me, how lucky I am to have Uncle Johnny in my life. I know I'm only two and half years old, but I'm pretty smart, so I already knew that. This past summer we shared some fun times together. I remember when you and I played with my blue balloon, kicking it around the house for the longest time. You also let me climb all over you when you were sitting on the couch trying to watch t.v. You and Aunt Judy also bought me a beautiful little taxi cab. Not only did you buy me a toy, but you let me use your arms,legs and head as a track for it. You never seemed to grow tired of playing with me. I know I never did. The first day that I met you, was the day that I was born. I think I was about five hours old. You came racing down to the hospital when you found out I was ready to make my first appearance. Mommy and I felt so special. We'll never forget it. You know, I'm to little to be as sad as Mommy and Daddy are. I guess that makes me lucky. I guess I'm also lucky to have another special angel in heaven, looking over me. Love you always Rafe xxoo
Name : Philip Gasparino & Friends 09/20/2001
Dear Kathy and family, Our hearts and prayers are with you always. You and your family have been through more than any family should have to. We did not know John but after reading some of the remembrance we would have loved for him to be a part of our lives. God Bless you all. Love Phil, Maria, Philip Jr. and Nicole.
Name : Brian Flynn 09/20/2001
To John's family, my heart goes out to you. John was a great man and I, along with everyone else that knew him will remember him forever.
Name : Michael DePadova 09/20/2001
May all the God's Not have mercy on the blackened souls of those responsible.
Name : Rich Capellini 09/20/2001
I didn't know John personally, but I recognize him from the neighborhood. God bless him and all of you. This website is a wonderful tribute to him.
Name : Lori Hemmy (Lee's niece) 09/20/2001
Although I may not know Johnny as well as most of the people who wrote, or saw him as much as most people did, I can honestly say I will miss him. He was a great guy with a wonderful sense of humor. When I was little and sitting in my highchair him and Uncle Lee would tease me all the time. But that was just the way they were. The more upset I got the funnier they thought it was, because it was all just for fun, no matter how little I was. I hadn't seen Johnny for a long time until he was the best man at my uncle's wedding and then when he was godfather to my cousin Dawn. I was pregnant at Dawn's christening. and at the time he was selling "Papa Primos Pizza". About a week after the christening he came to my house with every different kind of pizza they had. I told him I had only wanted one or two pies and he said "You're fat now anyway so what's the difference?". Needless to say I ate every pizza and thanked him for the wonderful indigestion I had afterward. Like I said before Johnny - you're a great guy and you will be missed by all.
Name : Josephine (Jo Mamma) Chierchio 09/20/2001
To My Dearest Friends, John and Judy I can't believe I'm sitting here, at my computer(which John put together) writting this. I feel so very, very sad. Not an hour in the day goes by, without thinking of the both of you. I think of every moment we've ever spent together. The four of us, boy, were there a lot. Lucky me! When I think of all those times, I smile. We had so much fun together. We laughed so much. How many times did we go out to dinner together? Hundreds. Since the Baby came along, it was less frequent. But, the minute Rafe and I got a night off, you two would be the first people, we would call. All those great weekends out in the Hamptons. Remember when we all jumped out of the car (on cue) into the pile of leaves. Even the cops were laughing at us. Who could forget the creme brulee or our canoe excursion. I could go on and on. The Hamptons will never be the same without you. In the beginning you were both "Rafe Friends" but in no time, you were mine. John I could never put into words how I feel about you. I truly love you with all the pieces of my broken heart. I promise, I will be the best friend, that I could be to our, sweet Judy. That won't be very hard. Our coach hugs will always be missing, a very big link. God Bless you my friend, John.
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