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Showing messages 101 - 110
1-10  11-20  21-30  31-40  41-50  51-60  61-70  71-80  81-90  91-100  101-110  111-120  121-130  131-140  141-150  151-160  161-170  171-180  181-190  191-200  201-210  211-220  221-230  231-240  241-250  251-260  261-270  271-280  281-289 
Name : Greg Fewer OLA & Bay Ridge 09/20/2001
To my friend, Johnny I'm so sorry that I lost touch with you over the years. But we sure had fun years ago! Playing tricks on the Nuns and Brothers at OLA, sleigh riding on car hoods at Owl's Head Park, hanging out on your stoop on Ovington Avenue, playing stickball in the schoolyard, eating pizza in Nino's, drinking beers on Shore Road in the freezing cold and hiding from "the cops", playing bumper pool in Tun's and darts in Libations, downing rounds of kamikazes, "last call", summer partying down Breezy and at the Surf Club, and some great card games (especially your favorite - 7 card no peak). Thanks for always keeping me "on ice". There was always a sparkle in your eye and a mischievous smile on your face. You always made us laugh with your joie de vivre. I miss you. Bye, Johnny. P.S. Keep the beer cold for us and shuffle the cards.
Name : Aunt Carol and Cousin Maria 09/20/2001
Dear John, You will be missed by many loved ones. You have touched us in many ways. Now you hold a special place in heaven with all our loved ones.You became an angel that will look over us. We will always love you. Love forever Aunt Carol and Cousin Marie
Name : Laurie Andrew (friend of Carol Roulet ) 09/20/2001
My prayers go out to your family on your great loss. The strength and courage of your family is an example for all of us. God Bless you, and may John rest in Peace
Name : Pat Dunlay friend of Aunt Carol 09/20/2001
I never met John but know of him from Aunt Carol. My prayers and thoughts are with the family of this fine young man. God bless you all and keep you safe.
Name : Ted and Mary 09/20/2001
You redefined the word "BEAUTY" and always found a way to take possession of the recliner. You always found your own smoking niche when visiting non-smokers. You are the master card guru, and always patient with losers (like us), teaching golf and cards. We dared not argue Clinton politics with you, and you always kept us laughing and on our toes. You're our best wise guy and will love you always. Our lives are richer for knowing you. Go Mets 2002 (even though we are Yankee fans). All our fives are with you 555-5555.
Name : Frannie Wieder Curci 09/20/2001
Thinking of you all and keeping you in my prayers as you have John's Memorial Mass today. This website is a beautiful tribute to him. God Bless and keep the Faith. John will ALWAYS be in your hearts - cherish all your memories. Peace!
Name : Retta Filbert Phillips, VA 09/20/2001
I wish I could have attended John's Memorial Service today but I was with you all in prayer and spirit. God Bless.
Name : Mary Shaw 09/20/2001
Hi, I want to express my condolence. I found this site as I went to school with a guy Mike Hoffman. I been so upset about all the lives lost. I myself was not there that day but I do go down there alot. May John RIP. I will continue to say prayers for all his family. Love and PEACE Mary from Staten Island, NY
Name : Luke D'Apice 09/20/2001
I just want to say that I'll miss you and I'll remember you forever. Even though I thought my calls were better than yours, you were always right in the end. You taught me more about offensive play calling and strategy than I ever knew. Thank you. I am lucky to have known you and had you as a friend and a "coach". Forever in my heart, Your Quarterback and Friend, Luke
Name : M Hebenstreit, New Britain, CT 09/20/2001
I join with millions of others around the world who did not know anyone personally in this tragedy but I have been incredibly saddened by it and the enormous loss by this one company, Cantor Fitzgerald. I can't begin to imagine how all of these families must feel. I did not know your beloved John but I, like others, have found this website through the Cantor site and have made it my mission to read every single name and the names of their survivors. By doing this I hope I can honor your loved one and share in some small measure the loss you must feel. I pray for John and his loving family and friends and hope that God's grace will hold you up through this terrible time. God bless you.
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