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Name : Robert & Rose Stokes 09/20/2001
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Name : Ion Amariutei 09/20/2001
Kathy, I extend to you my most heartfelt sympathy at your loss. None of us knows what is in store for us in life. We can only be glad to have our loved ones around for awhile and that our lives are richer because of them. My heart goes out to you and your family as you all face the difficult days ahead
Name : Louie & Trisha Perez 09/20/2001
Kathy, Foremost, let me say how sorry I am for your loss. The thought of losing yet another sibling in such a tragic and senseless manner breaks my heart. Although these are merely words, please believe me when I say I feel for you and your family. My, and Trisha's thoughts and prayers are with you and yours. I hope you find some comfort in knowing that you have a wonderful, warm and loving family that band together in good times and in not such good times. As well as good friends that love you and support you through thick and thin. Let me share a fond memory I have of Johny: Trisha and I were very fortunate to be invited to Ryan's christening this past summer. At one point John and I were talking, (at the bar of course..), and he tells me, "Isn't she something... I'm so proud of my baby sister"... with that patented smile of his. That statement left me with a lasting impression of Johny's love for his family and his compassion towards you, reaffirming what you and everyone else here have said about him. In many ways you're living up to Johny's expectations, which in my opinion is the best way to honor him. Be strong, as he would expect and continue to make him proud.
Name : Guy Conti 09/20/2001
For John and Family: God Bless. You will be in my prayers.
Name : Paula and Tom (Cousins) 09/20/2001
I remember as a kid I always loved going to the Sbarbaro's in Bay Ridge. Of course they had that cool basement, but I always loved being around my older cousins. We spent many fun times there, holidays, parties and birthday gatherings. At every family get together, whenever John was around, he was always making people laugh. I can picture him leaning in to say something to the person who was next to him, and that person cracking up. The picture of Johnny that will remain with me is one of him smiling...he always was and always will be...I think if he could talk to us right now he'd say: "Don't miss me too much. The view is nice, I'm here with people I love, and I'm doing just fine" Our thoughts and prayers are with you all every single day. Paula and Tom McKeon
Name : Margaret Sherman 09/20/2001
Kathy, Although we don't see each other or talk often, I wanted to let you know that I've been thinking of and praying for you and your family. This website is such a wonderful tribute and although I never knew your brother, it's very apparent that he was a wonderful and loving person. I'm hoping that some comfort is being found through the support of your friends and family. I don't know the author's name of this, but I thought I'd share the following with you: "Safely Home" I am home in Heaven dear ones; Oh so happy and so bright! There is perfect joy and beauty in this everlasting light. All the pain and grief is over, Ever restless tossing passed; I am now at peace forever, Safely home in Heaven at last Did you wonder I so calmly Trod the Valley of the shade? Oh, but Jesus' love illuminated Every dark and fearful glade And He came Himself to meet me In that way so hard to tread; And with Jesus' arm to lean on, Could I have one doubt or dread? Then you must not grieve so sorely, For I love you dearly still; Try to look beyond earths shadows, Pray to trust our Father's will There is work still waiting for you, so you must not idly stand; Do it now, while life remainth - You shall rest in Jesus' land. When that work is all completed, He will gently call you Home; Oh, the rapture of that meeting, Oh, the joy to see you come!
Name : Colleen Hansen 09/20/2001
Kathy, my deepest condolences for you and your family. I may have never had met your brother, but after looking at all of the pictures posted and reading the wonderful stories about him I can imagine what a wonderful man he was. As James Russell Lowell wrote "All of God's angels come to us in disguise". And not only was John your brother and friend, but an angel in disguise. Gob Bless you and your family are in my prayers.
Name : Andrew Yiannakos ( 09/20/2001
My since and heartfelt sympathies. How small the world is ... When I moved to Bay Ridge, as a young Boy Scout I went to Mr. Sbarbaro to do Firemanship merit badge. I saw my first Grateful Dead record, that I think belonged to Beth. Little did I know years later I would be at Bill's wedding and I would find my house through Bill and Corinne. And where I had a chance to meet the siblings at the bar after the wedding on 4th Avenue. How cool of a party was that. And someone we knew owned a bar in Bay Ridge! I had been thinking about the late Mr. Sbarbaro a lot since 11th of Sept. I had nevermet a fireman before. He made it very real for me, as a 12 year old. And I did not know that John was at Cantor. When I heard about John's untimely passing, I was stunned, sad, and awestruck how people in our lives come in and out. As they say in the Greek Orthodox Church, may John's memory be eternal! Go in peace ... Andy Y. (
Name : aunt vena 09/20/2001
john, I love you and miss you. I will always remember the good times we had.When ever I needed a to Goshen,you were there for me. I will think of you always. I want to tell Judy, I love her and thank her for being so good to John. I love you Judy.
Name : Steven A. Blase, Troop23, Narrowsburg, NY. 09/20/2001
I send my deepest sympathies to you all. We all had a lost that day in many way's, I was lucky that my brother and sister both made it out, but they too have to live with the horror of that day forever! My Brother is healing and expected to be ok, but again, will any of us ever be ok after all this terror and horror? All I can ask is that you keep the faith and always hold John close to your heart and always in your mind's and he will be with you forever!
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